I feel like a teenage groupie these days, going to a million concerts, blasting my poor ear drums out, standing near the front line getting smooshed by true teenage groupies. Not sure if it's a midlife crisis, or that I just love music. I'll go with the latter.
Anyhow, this past Sunday was the Treasure Island Music Festival. It was a beautiful day, with the bay and the city as the backdrop. Unfortunately, my camera was temporarily confiscated as it was "too professional" to allow in the concert. Puh-lease. Ok, yes, I did have a 100-300 mm lens, but it's this cheap lens made by a company called
Quantary. If you are looking to buy a zoom lens but can't afford the $500 price tag, this is a great one to start with.
Well, without my "professional" camera, it was just me and my iPhone 3G. (Obviously, I'm not a techie although I wouldn't mind getting the newest iPhone just for a better camera. But can I say that the new iPhones are more expensive than my "professional" camera lens? Am I bitter that I couldn't have my camera there. No, of course not.)
So Ai and her Ai-Phone (yes, I just went there). And Ai had my eye in the sky (oh, someone please stop me).
The Head and the Heart was just fantastic. A-ma-zing. I was singing and smiling from ear to ear. The sun was starting to set behind them, a breeze blowing their hair, wisps of fog dancing through them, and their harmonies were just luscious. It was a beautiful setting, not sure if that can even be captured on camera, professional or not.
The concert ended with Death Cab for Cutie, another favorite. I was hoping to see Zooey Deschanel (married to lead singer Ben Gibbard) up on the stage doing the
chicken dance, but no such luck. There were some interesting jellyfish dancing though...
Next up, Bridge School Benefit? Tickets are sold out, but I'm going to see if I can get my hands on some...
Remember, I'm not a techie. Animated through gickr.com |
Sunset on the bay |