It's been a bit quiet around these here blogging parts. I've talked about some challenges I've been facing
lately and the need to choose a
path in life. I've kept the details vague as I have wanted this blog to be about my personal interests rather than any professional ones, which have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
But basically, I was choosing between working with someone versus starting my own business. Two weeks ago, I finally made the choice to start working with someone. It wasn't the ideal choice, but I didn't feel like I was ready to go in a completely different direction. It was sort of the middle ground.
It seems that life has some plans of her own for me. Three days after I started walking down a new path, I was forced into a different one. The person I was working with decided he didn't want to work with me anymore. So now I'm starting my own business.
And the doors open in a little over 2 weeks. To say I'm a bit stressed is an understatement. Waking up at 5:30 am with a gagillion thoughts in my head is now the norm. Today it was 4:30 am. After lying in bed for 15 minutes, I gave up on going back to bed, and after making a super-sized pot of coffee, I'm sitting here at the computer.
My everyday life |
But before getting down to business, I thought I would catch up on my 366. We're hitting Week 24, so I have some catching up to do.
134: After the previous weeks of
indulgences, I needed to cleanse.
135: Tomato soup from Trader Joes. I always keep some in the pantry; it's my go-to if I have nothing to eat.
136: Sushi with friends at our favorite local spot
137: Inspired by
Emma, I made a super easy roast chicken, throwing in some carrots from my garden
138: Noodles, spare ribs, egg.
139: Cobb salad and beer. It's a good Friday combo
140: Pasta with some leftover chicken and whatever else I could find in the fridge
141: My healthy day: I did a short run, then went swimming, and ended with a huge salad and salteña (like an empanada). I haven't exercised since.
142: At least still trying to eat healthy, I made a fat salad
144a: All my meals on day 143 were associated with business meetings, so I didn't want to pull out my iPhone to snap a shot. Took this shot the next morning. Leftover brownie for breakfast. So much for healthy eating.
144b: Took an extra shot to make up for the day before. Trying to go back to healthy eating.
145: Rockfish with black beans, avocado and salsa. Healthy and tasty
146: Threw in the towel with the healthy eating and ordered a large pizza. I won't say how many slices I ate...
147: But there was enough left over for breakfast on Saturday.
Now I'm hungry. Time to make some breakfast and get to work. My To-Do list is a mere 6 pages long. But I swear, I'm taking some breaks today to exercise and enjoy the day a bit. Starting a business in two weeks is plenty of time... right?
Fuel |